I'm, honestly, one of the precious few in my immediate family that is an Obama supporter.
I hear all the talk about how the "blacks" think that Obama is THEIR President and how he's only half-black anyway and how the blacks are the only ones he's going to take care of.
I won't even address that. It doesn't deserve being addressed.
Then there is the ranting about all the campaign promises he made to do everything in the first 100 days in office.
I'm STILL looking for the transcripts that say ANYTHING about doing EVERYTHING in 100 days. If ya'll have it in writing - or in any other form other than your obviously defective memories - please pass it this way.
I read a comment from someone this morning to the effect of "Time to get to work, Obama". To this person, I say: Check the world-wide web. Any half-assed website (Yahoo, CNN.com, msnbc.com......) will inform you that Mr. Obama has, in fact, "gotten to work" and, in his first full day in the White House, has already met with generals about getting out of Iraq, met with White House staff and informed them of pay freezes and drafted an executive order to close the detention center at Guantanamo Bay within a year.
That isn't everything he's done today and, even if it were, I'd challenge any of you to say that you would have accomplished half that much.
You all talk about how he's being hailed as a rock star or even the Messiah. You complain about what was said in his inaugural speech merely letting himself off the hook for the promises he campaigned on. You say "Get to work".
ANYONE who can even START cleaning up the mess by the previous joke of an administration is a rock star in my book! He's been nothing but consistent - campaign promises included - in spelling out the work that needs to be done and the fact that it will be a long haul but not an impossible task. AND, he HAS gotten to work. (See above or, again, in website that tracks daily life).
It's sad, really. There was actually a time when becoming the President of the United States was something to be aspired to and proud of. I don't know, in this current day and age, of ANYONE that would WANT to - let alone dream about - inherit the nightmarish mess that this nation has become in the past several years.
This man DID inherit it and is willing to make hard choices and affect real change. Yes, it's going to take time. He never promised otherwise. (Even if he had, here's another challenge for you: name me ONE politician who has ever NOT made inflated claims and promises in exchange for being elected to a public office!).
Climb down off the President's back. And, when you get done running him down, if you still have time, roll up your sleeves and get to work being part of the solution!