Friday, May 22, 2009

Joining the fray

Well, I haven't been here for a while and I'm wondering if my three readers missed me at all. (Lie to me, guys..... throw me a bone!!)

And, I wouldn't want to disappoint so my return is on the fringes of the Jon and Kate hoopla because I wouldn't want to be the only one not sharing my useless opinion about this "poor family".

Now here's where it gets kind of funny because - as annoying as the whole idiotic situation is (and as idiotic as the whole annoying situation is) - I'll be watching the "season premiere" on Monday night. (Not really. I'll be at the casino but my youngest daughter promised she'd tape it for me). Honestly - it's out of sheer morbid curiousity. I just have to hear what Jon and Kate have to say after all the b.s. that has been swirling around.

Not that they'll address any of MY questions. Like..... Kate? How can you complain about the press and attention that your family gets while you are still haggling for another two seasons to parade your poor kids on TV?? See..... publicity doesn't go looking for Joe Anonymous on the street. It waits for a door to be opened. Like YOU did. 'Member?? You 'member!!!

Here's one for both of you - Jon AND Kate..... if standing before God and family and friends the FIRST time you got married and promising to be together forever isn't enough to make you actually do the work to make your marriage last, isn't the fact that you did it a SECOND time - with your 8 children as witnesses???? Or are you just such vapid publicity-hounds that you consider that mockery acceptable?

Jon?? Have you managed to sock any of the money away from the inflated amounts you all received for this show so that you'll have something to draw on? Your child support is going to be astronomical, you know.

Oh, and lest I forget - and this is just for my vicious "entertainment" - Jon? Will you get your balls back or does Kate get to keep them in some kind of property agreement?

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