Monday, January 26, 2009

Today's worry list.....

Most people don't publish "worry lists". But most people aren't the expert worriers that I am. Honestly, if stressing over something was an Olympic event, I'd bring home all the gold. If obsessing constantly was a job, I'd be bringing in a six figure income. If.... well, I'm sure you see where this is going.

On my "list" for today:

Bad weather (which equals bad roads. Which equals me needing to bum rides because I don't drive on bad roads);

Being able to bum rides;


My Dad (Don't ask me why. He's 72 years old and, sometimes, I think he's healthier than I am);


My oldest daughter;


My unborn grandchild;


These stupid "dizzy spells" that won't go away;

Mon..... well, again, I'm sure you can see where this is going.

I'm sure tomorrow's list will be very similar. That's one of the reasons that I'm so good at this. I don't worry about a HUGE varied and diverse laundry list of things but, what I do obsess over is consistent and constant to the point that I've honed doing so to a fine art. Which, again, would benefit me if it were an income-producing venture. Maybe then it would provide the means to pay for the surgery to repair the gaping hole that it has produced in my stomach. That's only fair, dont'cha think??

1 comment:

  1. "These stupid "dizzy spells" that won't go away"

    Much like these spontaneous nosebleeds I seem to have, a couple of times a day, recently, I'm sure.
